

Sustainable Wear for Us and for The Earth

Swear.Earth is a sustainable fashion brand committed to eco-friendly wear. We craft clothing that blends style with sustainability, using ethically sourced materials and low-impact processes. Every piece is designed to reduce waste and promote conscious living, helping you make a positive impact on the planet through your sustainable wear choices.

Sustainable Wear for Us

Why Swear.Earth?

Swear.Earth envisions a world where forests are the sustainable wear for our planet. Just as we choose eco-friendly clothing for ourselves, Earth needs her own protection—trees and forests. They are nature’s garments, shielding the planet from climate extremes, purifying the air, and nurturing life. By planting trees and preserving forests, we dress Mother Earth in sustainable layers that promote balance and vitality. This dual commitment—sustainable wear for humans and natural coverings for Earth—creates a harmonious cycle where both thrive. Let’s wear our values proudly and ensure Earth wears hers—green, lush, and vibrant.

Sustainable Wear For Earth

Why Now?

Why Now for Sustainable Wear—For Humans and Earth?

Now is the time to embrace sustainable wear for both ourselves and our planet because the urgency of climate change and environmental degradation is at its peak. Fast fashion has fueled waste, pollution, and unethical practices, making it essential for humans to shift to eco-friendly clothing that respects both people and the planet. Meanwhile, deforestation and ecosystem loss threaten Earth’s natural balance, making forest preservation and tree planting crucial. Sustainable wear for humans reduces our footprint, while “wear” for Earth—trees and forests—restores natural resilience. Together, these actions create a sustainable future where both humanity and Earth can flourish.

Take the Pledge Today. Make Every Action Count.

We Still Have ~but limited~ Time

Early on

Two centuries ago, the world was greener and less polluted. Forests covered 50-60% of the land, compared to 31% today. The Amazon spanned over 6.3 million sq km, almost untouched, while North American forests supported abundant wildlife like wolves and bison. Deforestation was minimal, and early action could have prevented much of today’s climate issues by adopting sustainable wear practices.

Pollution levels were low. CO2 levels were around 280 ppm, compared to over 420 ppm today. Urban areas were small, and most people lived rurally with limited coal use, ensuring clean air and skies. This highlights the importance of taking climate action to revert some of these changes and promote sustainable wear.

Rivers like the Ganges, Amazon, and Nile were unpolluted, teeming with life.


Today, the Earth is drastically altered from 200 years ago. Forests now cover only 31% of the land, down from 50-60%. The Amazon has shrunk to 5.5 million sq km due to deforestation for agriculture and logging. North American forests are fragmented, and many species, like wolves and bison, are endangered or exist only in protected areas. Taking climate action now is more important than ever, and adopting sustainable wear can help support these efforts.

Pollution has soared, with CO2 levels exceeding 420 ppm, a 50% rise from pre-industrial times. Urban sprawl and heavy reliance on fossil fuels have led to severe air pollution, impacting health and climate. These pressing issues are a call to action for climate change and support for sustainable wear.